It is a delicate color, makes great combinations with other tones and goes well in many environments of the house: we are talking about lavender color and also its beautiful variations of tones, such as purple and lilac for decoration !
Although not the most common of colors, the lavender tone is great for composing different solutions. If in the living room is a great choice to ensure elegance, in the kitchen is a tone that can guarantee harmony, in the room brings tranquility and in the internal or external garden is an option that always brings delicacy with flowers in these shades.
Also, combining colors with these types of tones is not as difficult as you might think. From good contrasts you can achieve absolutely practical and interesting ideas to give a different and very interesting touch to the house.
With that in mind, today we have brought you some of the most beautiful designs designed by our architects and interior designers who have found different ways to decorate with the lavender color.
Whether it’s the occasional choice of furniture, wall painting, decorative objects or even creative work involving lighting, the clever use of this color will certainly surprise you with every image in the list below.
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