20 Decorating Ideas Using Blackboard in your Homes

Blackborad Decorating Ideas

The blackboard or blackboard has been successful in decoration for some time. They allow us to leave little boxes, children can draw and write at will, we can make notes on pots, walls and make the house very happy and organized.

For those who like a dark color, nothing like using the paint slate green or black! Who does not want to paint the wall, can use slate stickers, pictures or even the paper contact blackboard, super practical to apply and do not give that dirt with chalk.

You can make a special wall in the kitchen, in the home office, in the living room, in the children’s room, or where your creativity and good taste speak louder … If you do not like this kind of decoration a lot, you can choose a glass slate white or a smaller and more discreet black comic for notes.

Now let’s get inspired and get lots of great ideas for our homes !!!

1. Look at that perfect combination in the dining room! Black, pink, white and green.
2. Modern kitchen! Slate wall.
3. Modern kitchen and green chalkboard on the wall.
4. Look what a cool idea! Paint the feet of the cups with paint slate and write the names of the guests! Only you can in glass bowls.
5. Modern and playful kitchen! Black slate on the wall.
6. Sustainable and modern home office! Detail of slate wall and niches of wooden crates.
7. Home offices with blackboard.
8. Another idea of ​​recycling! Baby bed has turned into a beautiful little study table for the kids! Detail of the slate counter top.
9. Ink slate on the wall of the home office.
11. And what about ink blue board?
12. Or a picture comic in the kitchen?
13. Or a bigger blackboard in the kitchen!
14. Ink slate on the wall of the dining room.
15. How about brown paint in the kitchen?
16. Or a discreet black comic in the kitchen for notes.
17. White glass slate in the home office.
18. Ink slate in the room.
19. Paint slab on every wall of children’s room.
20. How about painting a square with ink slate in the glass pots?
Modern kitchen with paint slate on the wall.

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