Classic Bungalow House Design

Whether you are in a flood-prone area, in the desert, or in the tropics, the elevated bungalow house design works great and looks classy, modern, and offers a sophisticated look.

Bungalows are often built on a large land areas where it can accommodate the different parts of the house that could be located on its second or third floors.  The large space with gorgeous backyards and veranda add beauty and comfort to the residents especially when they prefer larger space for personal parties or for gardening.

Elevated houses, whether they’re petite bungalows or luxurious two-story family homes, are ideal for places that are always battered by heavy rains and storms that may lead to flash floods.

This elevated bungalow design has a spacious front yard.  The four pillars in front are used for two purposes: as a strong support for the building and as a beautiful ornament, a great design that captures the admiration of onlookers.  The front elevation staircase design adds an impressive aura of the overall facade of the house with the roomy open veranda.

The big glass door and windows create a look of elegance and sophistication which also allows for natural light to the interior and an great source of ventilation.  The conventional design of the roof gives an impression of low maintenance and easy accessibility in case the owners would opt for renovation or if they wish to convert it into a habitable space.


Whether the home is a one-bedroom, apartment, a bungalow, a two-storey house, or a condo unit, the living room is a meeting place and the receiving area where most of the recreation chit-chats are done.  It is like the comfort zone where the occupants and their visitors can relax, chat, and enjoy each other’s company.

The living rooms in this design features  large windows that allow natural light to enter the house and large sofa bed that can be used to entertain guests or for occupants to have a relaxation while watching TV.

The kitchen is said to be the family’s hub where they make and eat their food and build stronger ties and relationships because during meals, members of the family sit together and share their stories, laugh together and share special moments together.

If the space is limited, there are ways on how to make the kitchen an exciting place to stay.  Designing it really makes the trick.  IN this kitchen, the color of the tiles match the color of the cabinets, the walls and even the blinds.  This blending of color makes the kitchen stylish and neat.



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  1. Four gorgeous bungalows with many bedrooms | Pinoy ePlans

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