Included in this modern house are 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 car garage having a total area of 120 square meters. The outside walls are decorated in white shades of gray, with wood accent wall in the front. The entrance has a terrace and eaves. At the right side is a garage with roof and decorated ceiling design.
Simple yet elegant, this house is also elevated with 3 steps when approaching the porch area. This ensure that the main floor is safe from flood water in a small scale. The main entrance is wide with aluminum sliding doors and tinted glass to ensure privacy of the occupants.
The configuration of this modern house has a wider frontage suited for lots along the road with its longer dimension parallel to the roadway.
The interior is elegantly painted with beige tone walls. Floors with white granite tiles. Decorated with floral pattern and looking at the ceiling with classic chandeliers.
The entrance of the house is a glass wall and sliding doors on black aluminum frame giving the aura of a tropical home. The color combination of the interior is creating a relaxing feeling or atmosphere.
This room is decorated in a Kitty style. Bright and vibrant under the pink tone. Decorated with cartoon character Hello Kitty in the middle of the ceiling.
This room is painted with light blue color with white ceiling. The combination is also very cool to the eyes making it more comfortable to stay with and relax.
The kitchen is painted and finished with blue tones. Kitchen counter is a bare concrete but with the option to finish with ceramic tiles or granite for more elegant look. Behind is white colored tiles arranged in a brick pattern. Hanging cabinets above a simple and finished with white glossy paint and glass leaves.